Monday, October 27, 2008

We'll Always Have Paris

YSL Campaign F/W 2005
Photographer: Juergen Teller
Photos: tFS

I love the Eiffel Tower when it glitters. Love it. My boyfriend thought I had gone mad when we went to Paris and all I wanted to do was sit in front of it and watch it sparkle. It's such an iconic, symbolic and magical monument. I just wanted to soak up the experience so I could remember it forever! Anyway this post is mainly a lead in to some random facts about me. The lovely Betsey of Una Bella Vita tagged me to answer a couple of questions, so I'll try my best...

Six Random Things About Me
1. I love the Eiffel Tower when it glitters, I think I have probably established this
2. I'm a terrible eater and live on lollies, biscuits, thai and swigs of diet coke. So unhealthy.
3. I am a total dreamer. I dream of moving overseas to Paris or New York to attend a decent film school, and spend my boring hours at my casual jobs thinking of ideas for short films, music videos and my brewing idea for a feature film.
4. I'm 21 and I can't drive yet, unfortunately
5. I'm nearly finished my degree, at which point I may combust on the spot because I have no idea what to do next
6. I think too much about everything!

Six Random Things I Like
1. Cold Rock cookies and cream ice cream with cookie dough! Yummmm.
2. Staying at home when it rains and watching movies in bed.
3. Sunbaking and drinking punch around the pool, on the deck, on a boat, down the coast, up the coast, in the baby pool, anywhere in the sun with my friends.
4. Buying make-up, bags and shoes. My shopping addictions!
5. Travelling overseas. Oh the life of leisure.
6. Amazing musical experiences. Listening to a great song for the first time, discovering an awesome band, seeing a favourite band live, and the hilarious escapades that inevitably ensue when camping at festivals.

Six Random Thing I Don't Like
1. Rude and stupid customers. I could elaborate for the next ten minutes but I'll leave it at that.
2. Vegetables. Gross.
3. My dog Zac, also known as Zacquisha because he is such a princess and thinks he owns my house. I am too scared of him to even touch him and he is only a white, fluffy little maltese.
4. Getting older and realising you can't ever go back to being a kid
5. Asshole doorbitches on power trips. Actually people on power trips in general.
6. Getting up before 10:30 AM.

That was sort of fun! Thanks Betsey. Next up I'll tag..


J said...

Yayy.. hehe I'm very excited to be tagged lol
thanks so much.. and you've given me a great idea, i'm so hitting my boyfriend up for chrissy this year :)


Blood Roses said...

woohoo i have been tagged!! hmmm im going to have to think up some interestnig things about me...OH DEAR!! :)